Measuring vulnerability to natural hazards:Towards disaster resilient societies
by Birkmann,Jorn
Published by : United Nations University Press (Tokyo) Physical details: 524p. ISBN:81-7993-122-6.
Risk management
Basic principles and theoretical basis : Measuring vulnerability to promote disaster resilient societies- conceptual frameworks and definitions, indicators and criteria for measuring vulnerability, social levels and hazard independence in determining vulnerability, user needs- why we need indicators
Vulnerability and environment : Environmental components of vulnerability, human vulnerability to environmental change- approach of UNEP's global environmental outlook
Global, national and sub national index approaches : Review of global risk index projects - conclusions for subnational and local approaches, disaster risk index- overview of a quantitative approach, disaster risk hotspots, system of Indicators for disaster risk management in America, multi risk assessment of Europe's regions, disaster vulnerability assessment - Tanzania experience, human security index
Local vulnerability assessment : Community based disaster risk index- pilot implementation in Indonesia, measuring vulnerability- ADRC perspective for the theoretical basis an principles of indicator development, vulnerability assessment- sectoral approach, self assessment of coping capacity - participatory, proactive and qualitative engagement of communities in their own risk management, measuring vulnerability in Sri Lanka at local level
Institutional vulnerability, coping and lessons learned : Assessing institutionalized capacities and practices to reduce the risk of flood disaster, public sector financial vulnerability to disasters- IIASA CATSIM model, effective measurement of vulnerability is essential to help those most harm's way, overcoming the black hole- outline for quantitative model to compare coping capacities across countries, methodology for learning lessons - experiences at European level, core terminology do disaster reeducation
Year: 2006