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Municipal government and administration in India (Record no. 970)

fixed length control field 04218nam a2200121Ia 4500
Classification number 352.0072
Item number SRI/M
Personal name Srivastava Om Prie
Title Municipal government and administration in India
Name of publisher Chugh Publications
Place of publication Allahabad
Year of publication 1980
Number of Pages XVI, 420p.
Topical Term Muncipal government
-- Administration
-- Local government & municipal corporations : Development of local government in India, development of urban municipal institutions in uttar Pradesh and formation of municipal corporations, development of urban municipal institutions, formation of municipal corporations, development of municipal corporations, development of Varanasi municipal corporation, nature & functions of municipal corporations, nature of municipal corporations, functions of municipal corporations
-- Legislative and political control : Legislative control by enacting legislation, legislative control by amending statute, legislative control by debating the functioning of corporations and appointing committees, legislative control over the rule making power of state government, legislative control by approving of orders issued by government, political control, agencies of political control, municipal corporations and their relationship with political parties, mayor- Nagar pramukh and political parties, employees of municipal corporations and political parties, state and political control, appraisal of political control and suggestions
-- Organizational administrative control : Power of state government regarding declaration of a city to be a municipal corporation and delimitation of the area, internal organization of a municipal corporation and state government, Mahapalika authorities, mayor and deputy mayor, chief executive officer, chief municipal officers and state control over them, measures for improvement of internal organization of a municipal corporation, power of state government with regard to conduct of elections, qualifications and disqualifications for election, conduct of elections, power of state government with regard to removal of members and suspension of authorities, removal of members, suspension of mahapalika authorities, functions of municipal corporations and state government, power of municipal corporations to make rules and regulations, power of state government to make rules and frame bye-laws and regulations, allocation of functions, withdrawal of functions
-- Operational administrative control : Power of state government to make appointments, appointment of municipal officers and staff other than mukhya nagar adhikari, service conditions of municipal officers and state government, power of state government to declare emergency, control over the schemes of mahapalikas, powers of state government to call for extracts, power of state government to cause inspections, power of state government to direct the taking of action or appoint any person to take action in default, submission of copies of resolutions to state government, power of state government to suspend action, power of state government to dissolve mahapalika, power of state government to supersede mahapalika, statutory requirements of power of suppression, justification of power of supersession its exercise and judicial review, criticism of power of state government to supersede and recommendations of various bodies, suggestions regarding power of supersession, appraisal of operational administrative control over municipal corporations
-- Financial control : Sources of revenue of municipal corporations, power of taxation of municipal corporations and state government, nature of power of taxation, power of municipal corporations to levy the collect taxes, property tax octroi, terminal tax, wheel and animal tax and other taxes, power of municipal corporations to grant exemption, power of state government to make rules regarding taxation, borrowing powers of municipal corporations and state government, grant-in-aid a mechanism of state control, budget of municipal corporations and state control, state control over municipal corporations through audit of accounts, allocation and sharing of taxes and augmentation of financial resources of municipal corporations
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