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Fiscal policy developments in India 1947 to 2007 (Record no. 9494)

fixed length control field 07276nam a2200133Ia 4500
ISBN 81-7708-135-7
Classification number 336.3954
Item number SUR/F
Personal name Sury M M
Title Fiscal policy developments in India 1947 to 2007
Name of publisher New Century Publications
Place of publication New Delhi
Year of publication 2007
Number of Pages 648p
Topical Term Fiscal policy in India in History.
-- India in Economic policy in 1947-
-- Economic role of the government and fiscal policy : Economic role of the government and fiscal policy : Economic responsibilities of the state,Keynesian economics and compensatory finance, Modes of state intervention, Fiscal policy, Monetary policy
-- Government budgeting in India- Procedures and structure : Zero base budgeting (ZBB), Government budgeting in India- Constitutional provision and procedures, Annual financial statement, Accounts of the government, Financial emergency, Budgetary cycle, Legalisation of the Budget, Appropriation bill, Finance bill, Supplementary budget, Performance and outcome budget, Supplementary documents on the budget, Parliamentary control over the budget, Public accounts committee
-- Structure of the central government : revenue budget, capital budget , Overall deficit, Fiscal deficit, Revenue deficit, Primary deficit, Monetised deficit, Fiscal responsibility and budget management act (FRMBA) 2003, Budget plan integration, Budget and the external sector, Budgetary reforms suggested by 11th , 12th finance commission,Capital account convertibility
-- Functional, economic and cross classification of the budget : Functional classification, Economic classification of the budget , Methodology of economic classification of the budget
-- Tax structure development
-- Pre-independence tax system, Trends in Combined (Centre and state) tax revenues, Constitutional provision pertaining to taxes, Article 268,269, Entries 87,88,89,90,92
-- Trends in Tax GDP ration : foreign trade, Government expenditure, Inter county tax comparisons
-- Direct and indirect taxes, Buoyancy and elasticity of tax revenue, Distribution of tax burder, Taxation enquiry commission, National institute of public finance and policy (NIPFP), NCAER study
-- Tax evasion- magnitude, causes and remedial measures : Device adopted to Evade taxes, Tax evasion, Tax reforms committee , Government's policy to curb tax evasion, Tax payment and tax deduction at source, Presumptive tax, PAN/GIR, survey of income tax, Purchase if immovable property, Penalties and prosecutions
-- Trends in Central tax, Direct and indirect tax, Income tax, Income tax act. Indian taxation enquiry committee, Constitutional provision and legal framework, Revenue significance of income tax, Income tax act 1961, Tax holiday schemes,Free trade zones, Special economic zones, Export oriented undertakings, Tax holiday for exporters of wood based handicrafts items , Heads of Income, Clubbing income, Set off and carry forward of losses, Deduction from gross total income, Rebates, Computation of total income, Tax deduction at source,Taxation of companies, Taxation of partnership firms, Tax treatment of small traders, One by six criteria scheme, Taxation of capital gains, Recommendations of the task force on direct tax, Critical evaluation of the Indian income tax system
-- Wealth tax act 1957,Union excise duties, Self removal procedure, Excise tariff structure, Ad valorem duties, Excise tariff, Committee on rationalisation and simplification of the tax structure, Triple rate excise structure, Task force on indirect taxes, Pre- MODVAT arrangements, CENVAT
-- Taxation of services, Customs duties, New customs tariff nomenvlature, Import tariff, Customs tariff, Import duty structure recommended by task force on indirect taxes
-- State taxes : Trends in state taxes, Local finance, Entertainment tax, Stamp duty and registration fees, Electricity duty, Octroi
-- Taxation of agricultural income
-- Sales tax : Constitution (sixth amendment ) act , Central sales tax (CST) act, Constitution (46th amendment) act and consignment tax, Empowered committee of state finance ministers, Agreement of January 23 2002, VAT, National goods and service tax (GST)
-- International aspects of Indian taxation - International aspects of Indian taxation (Double taxation ): Bilateral tax treaties, Multilateral tax treaties, Tax treaty shopping, Taxation of non residence in India, Indian law on double tax relief
-- Public expenditure : Wagner's law of increasing state activity, Peacock Wiseman hypothesis, Public expenditure policy
-- Public expenditure in India- Structure and policies : 11th and 12th finance commission
-- Subsidies in India - system and current issues : public goods, Nature and role of subsidies, Merit and Non-merit goods, Effects of subsidies, Food subsidy,Minimum support prices, Food corporation of India (FCI), Buffer stock operation, Public distribution system (PDS), Food subsidy bill, Minimum support prices, High level committee on long term gain policy 2002 , Fdertiliser subsidy, Hanumantha rao committee, Expenditure reforms commission (ERC),Petroleum subsidy, LPG and Kerosene subsidies
-- Public debt : public debt in India, public borrowings, States indebtedness , Central government liabilities, Debt restructuring suggested by 12th finance commission
-- Centre-state financial relations - Theoretical settings: Federal polity, Dual government, Rule of repugnancy, Indian federalism, Federal polity, Problems of multi-level finance, Financing pattern, Taxes, assignment of taxes, Transfers, Earmarking of revenue
-- Centre-state financial relations : Mayo scheme, Government of Indian act, Meston settlement, Indian taxation enquiry committee, Indian financial enquiry report, Financial adjustments after the partition, deshmukh award
-- Financial relations under the constitution : Constitutional provision pertaining to taxes, Centralisation of revenues and the need for transfer, Central transfer to the states, Finance commission, Global sharing, Planning commission, Gadgil formula, Centrally sponsored schemes
-- Sharing of revenue from income tax and excise duties prior to the recommendations of the eleventh finance commission : sharing of income tax revenue , Determination of states share, Corporation tax, Surcharge on Income tax, Miscellaneous receipts, Sharing of excise revenue, Nature of resource sharing , Special duties of excise, Earmarked cesses
-- Additional duties of excise in Lieu of sales tax : National development council, Finance commission, Guaranteed amount, Expert committee on replacement of sales tax nu additional excise duty
-- Grants in Lieu of railway passenger fare tax, Grants in aid, Issues in centre-state financial relations , Inter regional inequalities and transfers, Indebtedness of states, central inroads into state subjects, Constitution (46th amendment ) act and the consignment tax, Financial autonomy for state, Co-operative federalism
-- State-local financial relations in India : state local financial relations in India, Essential civic functions, Decentralization initiatives , Constitution (74th amendments) act, New status of municipalities, State finance commission, Budgetary gaps, Municipal commercial borrowings, Privatisation of municipal services, 10th, 11th, 12th finance commission on Local bodies
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