000 -LEADER |
fixed length control field |
08051nam a2200133Ia 4500 |
81-7708-117-9 |
Classification number |
338.18 |
Item number |
Personal name |
Dwivedi Rishi Muni |
Title |
Subsidies in India |
Name of publisher |
New Century Publications |
Place of publication |
New Delhi |
Year of publication |
2006 |
Number of Pages |
402p. |
Topical Term |
Public goods |
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Agriculture and allied sectors |
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Animal husbandry |
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horticulture |
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Fisheries |
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Public distribution system |
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Employment |
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health |
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Education |
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Urban development |
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Economise of subsidies : Provision for public goods, marketing for private goods, social goods, nature and role of subsidies, tax concession, subsidies in national income calculation, targeting of subsidies, classification of subsidies, public goods, merit goods, non-merit goods, role of subsidies, effects of subsidies, effective utilisation of subsidies, Vadilal dagli committee- 1979, post-liberalisation thinking on subsidies |
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subsidies for agriculture and allied sector : Agricultural development in general, IADP, IAAP,HYVP, SFPP, AMDP, NPDP, OPP, PHT, human resource development training support to agriculture, national project on developemnt and use of bio fertilisers, seed bank, transport subsidy for the movement of seeds, pest management, agricultural marketing infrastructure, subsidies for tea production, UNDP- funded programme on national food security |
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Agriculture extension work : Development of agriculture and cooperation (DAC), agricultural technology menagement agency (ATMA, state extension work plan (SEWP) |
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Irrigation development : CADP,AIBP, watershed development, GKY, MWS |
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Use of fertilisers : consumption in India, urea pricing , control and subsidy, retention price cum subsidy on Urea, expenditure reforms commission on fertiliser subsidies, computation of concession, capital investment subsidy scheme for commercial production units of organic inputs under national project on organic farming |
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Cooperatives : in India, national cooperative federations, national agriculture cooperative marketing federation of India - NAFED, cooperative marketing, processing, storage, capital participation in cooperative sugar factories, integrated cooperative development projects in selected districts - ICDP, capital participation in grower's cooperative , spinning mills |
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Animal husbandry :Intensive cattle development projects (ICDP), integrated dairy development projects in non -operation flood , hilly and backward area,cooperative milk unions, NPCBB- national project for cattle and baffalo breeding, ASCAD- assistance to states for control of animal diseases, national projects on rinderpest eradication - NPRE, foot& mouth disease control programme - FMDCP, piggery and sheep development, modernization if slaughter houses and carcass utilization plants, poultry/ duck farms |
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Horticulture : Horticultural crops in India, national horticulture mission and board, technical mission for development of horticulture in north eastern region including sikkim, cocunut developemnt board schemes, integrated programmes for development of horticulture in tribal/hilly areas |
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Fisheries : Marine fishing policy 2004, policy for development of fisheries in the union, national scheme of welfare of fishermen |
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Subsidies for food security |
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Minimum support prices for agricultural produce, food subsidy bill, economic cost of food grains to FCI, burgeoning food stocks, decentralised procurement scheme. Public distribution system (PDS) , Targeted Public distribution system (TPDS) , high level committee on long term grain policy, food stamps and food credit cards, food policy |
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Subsidies for industrial development and export promotion : Industrial development in general, special economic zones, national entrepreneurship development board (NEDB), Entrepreneurship and business development centres (EBDCs), national programme for rural industrialisation (NPRI), rural entrepreneurship development programme (REDP), rural haat scheme |
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Textile industry : TUF, TWRFS, decentralised powerloom sector, PSCs, CAD, Health insurance scheme, MGBBY, SITP, TCIDS, ATC |
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Food processing industry : India's food processing industry, food parks, quality management, technology upgradation, human resource development, quality assurance, codex standards and research and development, scheme for backward and forward integration and other promotional activities, infrastructure development |
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Small and village industries : Credit linked capital subsidy scheme- CLCSS for technology upgradation of SSI, excise duty concessions, rural employment generation programme, margin money scheme - MMS, KVIC, janashree bima yojana, Shiksha sahayog yojana, product development design intervention and packaging (PRODIP), district rural industries project DRIP, scheme of fund for regeneration of traditional industries - SFURTI, skill upgradation & design development for handloom weavers (SUDHA) |
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Export promoting : Marketing development assistance (MDA), market access initiative (MAI), export development fund for North eastern region, foreign trade policy - FTP 2004-09 |
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Subsidies for employment and labour welfare : Urban employment schemes : Nehru rozgar yojana - NRY, self employment programme for urban poor - SEPUP, swarna jayanti shahari rozgar yojana SJSRY |
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Employment schemes for ex-servicemen : Self employment programme for ex- servicemen - SEMPEX |
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Other employment schemes : NFFWP, PMRY, JRY, SEEUY, food for work program |
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Subsidies for energy and transport development : Electric power , state electricity boards - SEBs, accelerated power development reforms program ( APDRP), petroleum products, non-conventional energy sources, transport , NPBD, railways, road/surface transport |
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Subsidies for health and education : health and family welfare, health security in India, Panchayati raj institutions and health and family welfare programmes, national rural health mission, accredited social health activist (ASHA), drinking water and sanitation, elimination of leprosy, integrated child development services, special health schemes, central government health scheme |
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Education and training : Selected programmes at elementary education stage, pradhan mantri gramodaya yojana, SSA, mid-day meal scheme, KGBV, PSK, adult education, Jan shikshan sansthans, kasturba gandhi balika vidyalaya scheme, incentive to the girl child for education |
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Subsidies for housing and urban development : Housing, Bharat nirman programme for rural houses , valmiki ambedkar awas yojana (VAMBAY) |
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Urban development : Solid waste management SWM, Jawaharlal nehru national urban renewal mission JNNURM, scheme for urban micro enterprises SUME, prime ministers integrated urban poverty eradication programme JNNURM, jawaharlal nehru national urban renewal mission, integrated development of small and medium towns IDSMT, promotion of non-handicapping environment for disabled and elderly persons |
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subsidies for rural infrastructure and development : Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana, Prime ministers gram sadak yojana - PMGSY, integrated rural development programme- IRDP, scheme for improved tools to rural artisans |
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Subsidies for welfare of women, children and disadvantaged groups : Special component plan - SCP, scheme for liberation and rehabilitation of scavengers, development of women and children in rural area DWCRA, antyodaya programme, natioal social assistance programme - NSAP, national old age pension scheme - NOAPS, national maternity benefit scheme - NMBS, national family benefit scheme, Minimum needs programme - MNP, Annapurna scheme |
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Subsidies for development of special problem regions : Drought prone area programme - DPAP, Backward area development programme - BADP,hill area development programme-HADP, desert development programme - DDP, tribal area development programme- TADP |
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Subsides for cinema, art and culture : Cinema, art and culture Cultural talent search scholarship scheme CTSS, celebrating history and heritage |
Koha item type |
Books |