Prakash,B A
The Indian Economy since 1991:Economic reforms and performance - Ed - Delhi Pearson 2009 - 598p
Economic reforms and performance of the Indian economy
Demography , Employment and unemployment , Indian migration to west Asia, Planning in India, Financial and fiscal sector reforms , Financial liberalization in India, Corporate sector, Fiscal reforms and fiscal situation in India during the reform period, Reforms in Monetary and credit policy in India,Capital market in the post-liberalization period
External sector : External sector dimensions in the post-reform period, Trends and patterns of exports and imports in India, World trade organisation and the Indian economy, Foreign direct investment in Indian, Capital account convertibility in India
Agriculture: Performance of the agriculture sector in India, Agriculture policy, International trade and competitiveness, Trade , distribution and food security
Industry and infrastructure: Inter-regional dimension of industrial growth, Information and communication technology and India's development, Small enterprises, Post liberalization, Infrastructure development , Power policy and development
Health, education and poverty: Healthcare , Higher education, Poverty
Federal finance and decentralized planning: Central state finance relations, State finance, Decentralized planning and local governance
Industrial reforms, Economic reforms, Trade policy reforms, Capital market reforms, Tax reforms, Financial sector reforms, Poverty alleviation program, Free trade agreement ,
330.954 / PRA/I
The Indian Economy since 1991:Economic reforms and performance - Ed - Delhi Pearson 2009 - 598p
Economic reforms and performance of the Indian economy
Demography , Employment and unemployment , Indian migration to west Asia, Planning in India, Financial and fiscal sector reforms , Financial liberalization in India, Corporate sector, Fiscal reforms and fiscal situation in India during the reform period, Reforms in Monetary and credit policy in India,Capital market in the post-liberalization period
External sector : External sector dimensions in the post-reform period, Trends and patterns of exports and imports in India, World trade organisation and the Indian economy, Foreign direct investment in Indian, Capital account convertibility in India
Agriculture: Performance of the agriculture sector in India, Agriculture policy, International trade and competitiveness, Trade , distribution and food security
Industry and infrastructure: Inter-regional dimension of industrial growth, Information and communication technology and India's development, Small enterprises, Post liberalization, Infrastructure development , Power policy and development
Health, education and poverty: Healthcare , Higher education, Poverty
Federal finance and decentralized planning: Central state finance relations, State finance, Decentralized planning and local governance
Industrial reforms, Economic reforms, Trade policy reforms, Capital market reforms, Tax reforms, Financial sector reforms, Poverty alleviation program, Free trade agreement ,
330.954 / PRA/I