Oxford hand book of human development:cocepts,measures,and policies - New Delhi Oxford university press 2009 - 518p
Economic growth
Economic development in Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Economic policy in Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Social policy in Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Conceptual foundations : Development as capability expansion, human development paradigm, human capital and human capability, concept of human poverty, human rights and human development, economic growth and human development, choices that shaped the human development reports, shifting fashions in development dialogue, human development and neo-liberalism, rescuing the human development concept from HDI
Measurement : Birth of the human development index, human development index, evolution of the human development index, critiques of the human development index, using the HDI for policy analysis, measuring political freedom, gender inequality in human development - theories and measurement, concepts of human development and poverty- multidimensional perspective, calculating human development indices
Some policy explorations : Financing human development, valuing women's work, growth for human development, politics of poverty eradication, unequal human impacts of environmental damage, invisible heart, care and global economy, inclusive democracy secures rights
New frontiers : Global initiatives to create technologies for human development, deepening democracy by tackling democratic deficits, cultural liberty and human development, building multicultural democracies
361 / FUK/O
Oxford hand book of human development:cocepts,measures,and policies - New Delhi Oxford university press 2009 - 518p
Economic growth
Economic development in Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Economic policy in Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Social policy in Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Conceptual foundations : Development as capability expansion, human development paradigm, human capital and human capability, concept of human poverty, human rights and human development, economic growth and human development, choices that shaped the human development reports, shifting fashions in development dialogue, human development and neo-liberalism, rescuing the human development concept from HDI
Measurement : Birth of the human development index, human development index, evolution of the human development index, critiques of the human development index, using the HDI for policy analysis, measuring political freedom, gender inequality in human development - theories and measurement, concepts of human development and poverty- multidimensional perspective, calculating human development indices
Some policy explorations : Financing human development, valuing women's work, growth for human development, politics of poverty eradication, unequal human impacts of environmental damage, invisible heart, care and global economy, inclusive democracy secures rights
New frontiers : Global initiatives to create technologies for human development, deepening democracy by tackling democratic deficits, cultural liberty and human development, building multicultural democracies
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