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  • KILA Library - Catalogue


Energy security - New Delhi Pentagon energy Press 2009 - 336p.


Energy policy
Energy storage
Energy security : Energy adequacy, Supply side security, Crude oil supply, Oil stocks, natural gas supply, Coal supply, Nuclear energy, Energy intensity aspects, Environment and energy security relationship, Global markets and energy security, World energy council (WEC), oil import and global reserve, Fossil fuels, EST application, Climate change
Energy security and energy conservation Nexus,Energy conservation, Energy efficiency, Energy strategy, Enhancing energy security in the developing world
Energy production, demand and supply scenario : Projection of global energy demand IEA vs IEO, Carbon emission information, Oil sector, India's self reliance
Building strategic petroleum reserve through public private partnership, Indian's nuclear power programme
Energy security : Energy policy in India, Policy framework, Factors governing energy policy, Energy security, Demand management to reduce the waste usage of energy, Energy strategy, Government's other consideration, Policy making, Central ministries in energy policy, Supply side policies, Domestic exploration and production (E&P), Non-conventional source, Strategic oil stocks, India's future energy security policy challenges, Policy incentives to establish renewable energy power projects, CDM project, Integrated energy policy, national electricity policy, Electricity tariff policy
Reforms in the coal sector, merchant power plants, rural electrification policy, Energy conservation act 2001
Energy storage system and strategic reserve of oil and gas : Energy storage system (ESS), Mechanical energy storage, Electrochemical storage, battery and Fuel cells, Thermal energy storage, Water storage system, Magnetic energy storage, Tidal storage system, High performance energy storage, Emerging new electrical storage technologies, Microgrid system, Petroleum reserve and storage policy, International energy agency (IEA), Emergency oil sharing agreement
Japan, New Zealand and south Korea Agreement, United states and Israel agreement, France, Germany and Italy agreement, Indian to build strategic crude oil storage as insurance, SPR
Energy risk management : Oil and natural gas sector, NERA model, Energy infrastructure risk management, Cross country pipelines transporting hydrocarbons
Corporate governance for energy security : Ethical concerns, Indian energy sector, Growing energy demands, Future energy demands, Policy initiative in India, Universal service, Indian and the petersburg declaration, Energy and climate change, Corporate governance structure in the development of the Nordic energy sector , Energy companies, Profit-maximizing corporation, Change in Stationary energy sector, Corporate regulatory framework by ADB, Technical assistance programme

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