World Bank
Finance for all ? : Policies and pitfalls in expanding access - Washington World Bank 2008 - 246p
Access to finance and developemnt
Firm's access to finance: entry, growth and productivity
Financial services industry in Developing countries
Banks and banking in Developing countries
Household access to finance-poverty alleviation and risk management : finance, Inequality and poverty, Providing financial access to households and microentrepreneurs, Excluding the poor
Government's role in facilitating access : Special policies to facilitate financial access , Policies to promote competition an stability, Government interventions in the market , Political economy of access
332.1 / WOR/F
Finance for all ? : Policies and pitfalls in expanding access - Washington World Bank 2008 - 246p
Access to finance and developemnt
Firm's access to finance: entry, growth and productivity
Financial services industry in Developing countries
Banks and banking in Developing countries
Household access to finance-poverty alleviation and risk management : finance, Inequality and poverty, Providing financial access to households and microentrepreneurs, Excluding the poor
Government's role in facilitating access : Special policies to facilitate financial access , Policies to promote competition an stability, Government interventions in the market , Political economy of access
332.1 / WOR/F