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McGillivray Mark

Understanding human well-being - New Delhi Bookwell 2006 - 386p


Quality of life.
Social indicators.
Human well being- concepts and measures
Human well-being concepts : Poverty, economic well being and non economic well being, four qualities of life- ordering concepts and measures of good life, inequalities, agencies and well being- conceptual linkages and measurement challenges in development
Well- being measures and applications : On the measurement of human well being- fuzzy set theory and Sen's capability approach, benchmarking sustainable development- a synthetic meta index approach, adjusting well being indices for gender disparity, well- being and complexity of poverty-subjective weel being approach, international inequality in human development dimensions, assessing well being using hierarchical needs, assessing poverty and inequality at a detailed regional level- new advances in spatial microsimulation
Well-being case studies : Longevity in Russia's regions - do poverty and low public health spending kill medium and long effects of an expansion of education on poverty in Cote d'Ivoire- a dynamic microsimulation study, dynamics of poverty in Ethiopia, prospects for pro-poor growth in Africa

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