Karakulam Grama Panchayat
Pravarthana margarekha -:Ayurveda Asupathri (Malayalam) - Karakulam SDC-CapDeck 2005 - 74p
Ayurveda Hospital
Health facilities in Panchayat, Services provided by block, state, center schemes, duties and responsibilities of employees, office management, assessment of the plan, initiatives to solve problems, instructions to the employees
352 / PRA
Pravarthana margarekha -:Ayurveda Asupathri (Malayalam) - Karakulam SDC-CapDeck 2005 - 74p
Ayurveda Hospital
Health facilities in Panchayat, Services provided by block, state, center schemes, duties and responsibilities of employees, office management, assessment of the plan, initiatives to solve problems, instructions to the employees
352 / PRA