Goldman Michael
Imperial nature :- The World Bank and struggles for social justice in the age of globalization - Hyderabad Orient Longman Private Limited 2005 - 360p
World Bank.
International finance.
Social justice.
Globalization, Globalisation, Green science , Environmental knowledge in World, Eco-governmentality and environmental state
Privatizing water, neoliberalizing civil society- power of transitional policy network
337.1 / GOL/I
Imperial nature :- The World Bank and struggles for social justice in the age of globalization - Hyderabad Orient Longman Private Limited 2005 - 360p
World Bank.
International finance.
Social justice.
Globalization, Globalisation, Green science , Environmental knowledge in World, Eco-governmentality and environmental state
Privatizing water, neoliberalizing civil society- power of transitional policy network
337.1 / GOL/I