Ruet Joel
Against the current - Fixing tariffs, finance and competition for the power sector in India - New Delhi Manohar Publishers 2005 - 193p. Vol.2
Power supply
Privatization of power
Tariffs and finance
Bulk power tariff- With specific reference to availability based tariff in the country
management of power supply to agriculture, farmer's willingness to pay for power in India and pricing, Transmission pricing in open access system, Electricity power market operation on first come first serve basis, Financing aspects of pricing of power
Reforms and privatization : Improving performance of distribution companies , Fair deal for the private investor and the power purchaser, Lessons from privatization of electricity distribution in Delhi, management contracts in a constrained market of privatization, Supporting a multi-dimensional reform for the power sector
333.7932 / RUE/A
Against the current - Fixing tariffs, finance and competition for the power sector in India - New Delhi Manohar Publishers 2005 - 193p. Vol.2
Power supply
Privatization of power
Tariffs and finance
Bulk power tariff- With specific reference to availability based tariff in the country
management of power supply to agriculture, farmer's willingness to pay for power in India and pricing, Transmission pricing in open access system, Electricity power market operation on first come first serve basis, Financing aspects of pricing of power
Reforms and privatization : Improving performance of distribution companies , Fair deal for the private investor and the power purchaser, Lessons from privatization of electricity distribution in Delhi, management contracts in a constrained market of privatization, Supporting a multi-dimensional reform for the power sector
333.7932 / RUE/A