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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Borrie John

Thinking outside the box in multilateral disarmament and arms control negotiations - United Nations UNIDIR 2006 - 254p.


Arm control
Multilateral disarmament and Arm control negotiations
Diplomats, civil society and academia some thoughts on the limits of the discourse
International relations and the study of cooperation, game theory perspective and multilateral arms control and disarmament negotiations, Two-level games, Civil society activism in Arm control and disarmament process
NGOs and multilateral disarmament diplomacy: limits and possibilities
Promising avenue for NGO engagement in Multilateral diplomacy settings
Changing perception and practice in multilateral Arm control negotiations
Cooperation and defection in the conference on disarmament
Deadlock and its discontents, Inefficient equilibria
Engineering progress: a Diplomat's perspective on multilateral disarmament
Transformative potential
Flexibility in Regional groups, procedures, relations with headquarters, involving non-state partners
Physics of diplomacy . Dynamics of complex social phenomena and their implication for multilateral negotiations
rational approach, Pertinence of a physics of society, Implications for multilateral negotiations
Non-liner modelling of small arms proliferation
Security of journalists: making the case for modelling armed violence as a means to promote human security
Investment policies and arms production - Experience from the Norwegian pension find- global
Humanitarian principles and negative screening of certain weapon producers , possible consequences of exclusion of weapon producers
Role of non-governmental organisations in the monitoring and verification of international arms control and disarmament agreements
Differing approaches to NGO monitoring and verification
Enhancing the quality and scope of future NGO monitoring and verification of arms control and disarmament agreements

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