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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Poon Jessie P H

Social planning : Classical planning 1 - London Edward Elgar 2006 - 479p. - Classics in planning, 1 .


Sustainable development
Social Organisation
Equity and social justice, poor relativity speaking, measuring social class in US public health research, causal models an social indicators- towards the development of social systems models, physical accessibility as a social indicator, social equality and environmental risk
Sustainable development : Asset vulnerability framework- reassessing urban poverty reduction strategies, basic needs, agropolitan development and planning from below, compact cities, LA style sprawl desirable
Amenities and social organization : Social capital in creation of human capital, human capital , effort and sexual division of labor, gay men, economic geography of talent
Spatial mismatch : Housing segregation, negro employment and metropolitan decentralization, American apartheid- segregation and making of underclass, job search and occupational segregation and making underclass, job search and occupational segregation of women, stereotypes and segregation - neighborhoods in detroit area, fiscal equality in urban mass transit systems- geographical analysis, how to abolish social housing
Alternative planning models : Planning through consensus building - new view of comprehensive planning ideal, knowledge and action in communitive practice

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