Agrawal Anuja
Migrant women and work :- Women and migration in Asia - New Delhi Sage Publications 2006 - 226p
Women migrant labor
Foreign workers, Asian.
Women in Employment in Foreign countries.
Women, work and migration in Asia, Asian women workers in international labour migration, Gendering medical migration- Asian women doctors in the UK, Caring for the Filipino Family-How gender differentiates the economic causes of labour migration
Analysis of social mobility of transnational migrant women- Filipino domestic workers, Beyond duty and desire- Reconsidering motivations for Thai women's migration to Bangkok, Indian nurses in Gulf, Family, migration and prostitution - Bedia community in India, Traffic in Women, Human rights violation
331.4086 / AGR/M
Migrant women and work :- Women and migration in Asia - New Delhi Sage Publications 2006 - 226p
Women migrant labor
Foreign workers, Asian.
Women in Employment in Foreign countries.
Women, work and migration in Asia, Asian women workers in international labour migration, Gendering medical migration- Asian women doctors in the UK, Caring for the Filipino Family-How gender differentiates the economic causes of labour migration
Analysis of social mobility of transnational migrant women- Filipino domestic workers, Beyond duty and desire- Reconsidering motivations for Thai women's migration to Bangkok, Indian nurses in Gulf, Family, migration and prostitution - Bedia community in India, Traffic in Women, Human rights violation
331.4086 / AGR/M