• KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Rooy Alison Van

Civil society and the aid industry : The politics and promise - London Earthscan 2006 - 237p.


Non-governmental organizations
Political activity
International agencies
Economic assistance
International cooperation
Economic development
Developing countries
Civil society
Civil society as idea- analytical hatstand
Civil society and aid system
Hungary- civil society in post socialist world: Metamorphosis of civil society, mapping donor interventions
Sri Lanka - civil society, nation and state building challenge : mapping civil society, mapping donors
Kenya- State, donors and politics of democratization : Civil society in Africa, civil society and state in Kenya Today, donor support for civil society, reconstructing the state, donor and civil society relationships
Peru - Civil society and autocratic challenge : Mapping civil society in Peru, mapping northern donor intervention, ideas about power relationships
Art of strengthening civil society : Aid industry, strengthening civil society, impact on donors

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