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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Chattopadhyay Srikumar

Striving for sustainability environmental stress and democratic initiatives in Kerala - New Delhi Concept Publishing Company 2006 - 350p.


Ecological disturbances
Environmental degradation
Environmental crisis
Sustainable development
Citizen participation
Kerala nd world environmental crisis
World environmental crisis and Kerala experience : Great civilizational change, Kerala development model, environmental stress, first worldwide depletion crisis, limits to growth debate, first worldwide depletion crisis, limits to growth debate, sustainability, development and ecological democracy, sociocultural limits, physical limits, depletions, inequality and violence, economic limits, strategy for sustainable development, local sustainability, Kerala's experiment in local planning for sustainable development
Kerala's geographical setting and its environmental resource base : Coast, midland, highlands, land resources, topography and relief, geology and geomorphology, soil, water resources, flora and fauna, resource zones
Macro and micro ecological zones : Macro level zones, climatic zones, bioclimatic zones, agroclimatic zones, landscape ecological zones, diversity and community in Kerala's land use patterns, micro level zones, topo sequence at various altitudes
Causes of concern- land use changes :Spices, traders and colonialists, land use theory and practice, land use changes at micro level, cropping intensification, crop production, fallow and fertilizer
Causes of concern- changes in landscape ecology : Climate, wetlands, soil and water, changes in micro climate, changes in coastal ecosystem and wetland ecosystem, soil erosion, infiltration, surface runoff, and stream flow, landscape factors influencing drainage discharge, changes in river water quality, changes in river regime, decline in water harvesting, groundwater quality, performance of irrigation projects, reservoir sedimentation, fragmentation of landholdings, floods, great tsunami of 26 December 2004
Why environment if changing : Global and local forces, land use and landcover change, population, settlement pattern, urbanization, migration, development of transportation network
Kerala's initiatives for sustainable development- employing the power of an awakened people
Movements to defend Kerala's environment : Save silent valley campaign, monsoon trawling ban- complexities of movement to save marine resources, Muthanga- assertion of tribal rights on forest land, Plachimada- people's struggle to protect their water supply from multinational corporate misuse
State level initiatives for environmental resource based planning : macro policy framework of local self government, participatory panchayat resource mapping (PRM) in Kerala, resource mapping in mezhuveli panchayat, PRM program
Kerala people's campaign for ninth plan of 1996- 2002 : New surge of environmental action : Remarkable experiment, capacity building and emergence of grassroots planners, resource management, project formulation, plan finalization and formulation of development strategy, plan integration, evaluation and voluntary technical crops, identifying ecozones, project implementation, people's campaign and sustainable development, significance of people's campaign
Local initiatives- potential of local democracy and participation for sustainable development :: From people's campaign to local sustainability, people's biodiversity registers- Ernakulam district campaign, pond management and irrigation in Thathamangalam, Karanila traditional fish sharing system, preparing a watershed master plan- Perambra block experience, participatory water supply project in Adat grama panchayat, Olavanna panchayat's water supply initiatives, microhydel project at Upputhara, koyilandy integrated biological mosquito control project, water self reliance- Erimayur jalanidhi program, sustainable vegetable cultivation in kanjikuzhy, vegetables, coconut , fish and development- Alappuzha integrated coastal zone management project, brining it all together- micro enterprises for sustainable development
Consciousness v/s collapse- local democracy and our endangered earth : Conceptual models of collapse, conceptual models of sustainability, Kerala experience for a sustainable world population, social justice, inequality, poverty and sustainability, activism and participation, Kerala ecological paradox, consciousness in theory and in Kerala, theoretical issues- market v/s sustainability, market or capitalism- Marxist and socialist perspective on ecology, theoretical issues- common pool resources dilemma, political structures for sustainability, do third world people care about environemnt, scaling up worldwide from community based sustainability, environmental stress and local democracy

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