Coopey R;Tvdet T
A history of water: The political economy of water - New York I B Tauris & Company 2006 - 564p vol.2
water resourses
Urban and local water politics
Pipe-bound city in time and space: applying GIS to the historical development of two cities
Inequalities in urban water supply in India- municipalities in Andhra Pradesh
Social movements and conflict over water in mexico
Inequality and social exclusion- access of drinking water in Bolivia
National water politics
Wittfogel and hydraulic despotism, Reshaping the political- Nile waters of the Sudan
Water resource administration and racial inequality in Africa, British colonial water legislation in Mandatory Palestine
Retreat from centralised water management in Israeli, market oriented sustainable water resource, Water and transformation of agriculture in Bulgaria, Irrigation and state formation in Ancient Korea, Water and development in Cambodia, Gender, poverty and water in Pakistan
International hydropolitics
Nile as a legal and political structure, Nile basin co-operation , Transboundary water resource : Mexico, the USA and the 1944 water treaty
Developing Lesotho's water resource, Great lakes fisheries: international response to their decline and the lamprey/alewife invasion
Energy and environmental security, Salmon, science and society on the Fraser river
Water law and legal issues
Water quality as property: industrial water pollution and riparian law in 19th century USA
Regimes, regulations and rights: urban water use in the kathmandu valley
Water as property in American west , Changing water rights in Mexico: local availability and the reallocation of Groundwater rights
My land, my water, your problem : co-dynamic processes and the development of appropriate water policy tools
333.91 / COO/H
A history of water: The political economy of water - New York I B Tauris & Company 2006 - 564p vol.2
water resourses
Urban and local water politics
Pipe-bound city in time and space: applying GIS to the historical development of two cities
Inequalities in urban water supply in India- municipalities in Andhra Pradesh
Social movements and conflict over water in mexico
Inequality and social exclusion- access of drinking water in Bolivia
National water politics
Wittfogel and hydraulic despotism, Reshaping the political- Nile waters of the Sudan
Water resource administration and racial inequality in Africa, British colonial water legislation in Mandatory Palestine
Retreat from centralised water management in Israeli, market oriented sustainable water resource, Water and transformation of agriculture in Bulgaria, Irrigation and state formation in Ancient Korea, Water and development in Cambodia, Gender, poverty and water in Pakistan
International hydropolitics
Nile as a legal and political structure, Nile basin co-operation , Transboundary water resource : Mexico, the USA and the 1944 water treaty
Developing Lesotho's water resource, Great lakes fisheries: international response to their decline and the lamprey/alewife invasion
Energy and environmental security, Salmon, science and society on the Fraser river
Water law and legal issues
Water quality as property: industrial water pollution and riparian law in 19th century USA
Regimes, regulations and rights: urban water use in the kathmandu valley
Water as property in American west , Changing water rights in Mexico: local availability and the reallocation of Groundwater rights
My land, my water, your problem : co-dynamic processes and the development of appropriate water policy tools
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