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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Jetli K Narindar

India: Manpower, employment policy and labour welfate 1947 to 2007 - New Delhi New Century Publications 2006 - 507p


Manpower, Employment policy and labour welfare in India: Post independence development: Pre and post independence demographic trends, Age composition, sex ration, life expectancy, literacy, urbanisation, population, Per capital income, food supply, land-man ratio, Unemployment, basic amenities, measure to control population, population policy, workforce participation rates, women in work force, child labour, occupational structure
Employment policies and programmes : Nature and extent of unemployment, Causes of unemployment, Governmnet policy to tackle unemployment, Second national commission on labour 2002, Results of 55th round of NSSO survey on employment and unemployment, Special group on targeting ten million employment opportunities per year during the tenth plan, Employment in organise sector, Labour laws, Cluster development, Swarna jayanti shahari rozgar yojana(SJSRY), Swarnjayanti gram swarozgar yojana(SGSY), Sampoorna grameen Rozgar yojana(SGRY), National food for work programme(NFFWP), National rural employment guarantee act 20015, Employment policies in 10th five year plan, Sectoral policies for employment generation, Agriculture, Agro-processing industries, small-scale industries, construction, travel and tourism, employment generation in social sector
Manpower in India in History in 1947-
Manpower policy in India in History in 1947-
Labour movement in India in History ,1947-
Labour laws and legislation in India in History ,1947-
India in Economic policy ,1947-
Labour welfare legal framework and initiatives: Social security, Constitution and the directive principles of state policy, legislations pertaining to labour, Labour related organisations/activities / schemes, employees state insurance (ESI), employees provident fund(EPF), payment of gratuity, pension, retrenchment compensation, national renewal fund, Unemployment allowance, labour welfare fund, Insurance for farmers, child care, kishori shakti yojana, balika samriddhi yojana , Tax, Income tax concessions, Slavery, Voluntary retirement compensation, Trade unions, Health insurance of employees, Bonus to employees, Gratuity fund , Family planning expenditure, Wealth tax and excise duty concession
Women workers Legislative and empowerment : Working condition of women, Constitutional rights of women welfare, Equal remuneration act, Maternity benefit act, Factories act Mine act, plantation labour act, beedi and cigar workers act, Employees state insurance, National commission on self employed women regarding enforcement of labour laws, Empowerment of women,Ninth five year plan, Rashtriya Mahila kosh, Swa-shakit projects, Protection from domestic violence bill
Industrial relations and labour laws: Industrial relations post independence, during and after emergency, post-liberalisation, industrial sickness, government policy regarding nationalisation of sick industrial units
Restructuring of labour laws : economic reforms, Labour reforms, contract labour act, Industrial dispute act
Labour laws and welfare India and ILO: Active partnership policy (APP) and multi disciplinary term
Labour reforms India and WTO: Trade and labour standards
India's five year plans : 1st to 10th five year plan
Edited extracts from India's five year plans on employment and labour related matters (I plan to X plan including mid-term appraisal of the X plan)

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