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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Reddy Sanjeev

Good governance : Case studies in administrative innovations - New Delhi Kanishka Publishers 2006 - 172p.


Village Development
Rural Development
Case study method, government and cutting edge- experience of licensing and registering authority- Chandigarh, important epoxy maker, impact of information technology and changing nature of citizen services- case study of E-seva in Andhra Pradesh- Aditya, village development through community participation in doomroli village- case study, striving to bring in a rational system for ensuring social justice - case of disbursement of funds for poorest among SC/ST target constituencies
Dilemmas of an administrator in high stakes game of administration test for professional courses- case of Mr. Bhindra of Kanishka
Eradicating copying without legislation in Haryana, Ayodhya issue, ramajanambhoomi issue, re-engineering government using information and communication technology (ICT)- teaching case study of Haryana board of school education (HBSE), evacuation and rehabilitation of Rampura - case study, rural sanitation- Medinipur model

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