Breit William
Lives of the laureates: Eighteen nobel economists - New Delhi Academic Foundation 2006 - 351p
Economists in Biography.
Nobel Prize winners Biography.
Nobel Economists
W. Arthur Lewis, Lawrence R .Klein, Kenneth J Arrow, Paul A . Samuelson, Milton Friedman, George J Stigler, James Tobin , franco Modigliani, James M Buchanan, Robert M Solow, William F Sharpe, Ronald H Coase, Douglass C. North, John C Harsanayi, Myron S Scholes, Gary S Becker, Robert E Lucas Jr, James J Heckman
330.092 / BRE/L
Lives of the laureates: Eighteen nobel economists - New Delhi Academic Foundation 2006 - 351p
Economists in Biography.
Nobel Prize winners Biography.
Nobel Economists
W. Arthur Lewis, Lawrence R .Klein, Kenneth J Arrow, Paul A . Samuelson, Milton Friedman, George J Stigler, James Tobin , franco Modigliani, James M Buchanan, Robert M Solow, William F Sharpe, Ronald H Coase, Douglass C. North, John C Harsanayi, Myron S Scholes, Gary S Becker, Robert E Lucas Jr, James J Heckman
330.092 / BRE/L