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Pradhan Basanta Kumar;

The well being of Indian households: MIMAP- India survey report - New Delhi Tata McGraw-Hill 2003 - 401


Health care facilities
Quality of life
Social conditions
Economic conditions
Household characteristics, household income, consumption expenditure, household savings, poverty , education , health
Estimates from MIMAP- survey and other sources
Household characteristics - earners, levels of education, land holdings, caste
Household income and its distribution : Total and average household and per capita income, distribution of households by major activity, status/ occupation, composition of household income, distribution of income per household, composition of income by income classes, average household and per capita income by occupational categories, composition of Income by occupational categories, income inequalities, factors influencing income
Consumption patterns and household welfare: Estimates of consumption expenditure, rural-urban distribution of consumption, consumption patterns across various population groups, per capita consumption and social attainments. adjustment and food security
Saving and investment behavior of households : Data base and methodology, empirical findings, factors influencing savings, investment
Poverty and vulnerability : Poverty line and incidence of poverty, poverty and income growth, data, estimates of parameters related to poverty from MIMAP- India survey, basis of per capita income distribution, estimates of poverty on basis of per capita CE- I and CE-II distribution, comparison of three poverty estimates, characteristics of poor, comparison of poverty estimates based on MIMAP - India, poverty alleviation strategy
Education and levels of living : Data sources, education performance international, comparison, education in India, current state of education - survey findings, education based welfare programs
Morbidity prevalence, cost of treatment and utilization of health care facilities: Public expenditure and health status, expenditure on medical treatment, utilization of maternal and child health care facilities, maternal care, utilization of child health care facilities, state of infant and child health, basic amenities and utilization of welfare programs
Methodology of survey- sample design, concepts and definitions

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