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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Howard Albert

The waste products of agriculture: Their utilization as humus - Jodhpur Agrobios India 2004 - 158p.


Agricultural wastes
Soil Fertility
Agricultural systems of Occident, Orient, peasant holdings, plantations, undeveloped areas
Organic matter and soil fertility : Soil humus, formation of Humus as a result of synthesizing activities of micro organisms, role of humus in soil, washing symposium on soil organic matter
Sources of organic matter : Root system of crops, soil algae, green manure, farmyard manure, artificial farmyard manure
manufacturing of compost by Indore method : Compost factory, collection and storage of raw material, plant residues, urine earth and wood ashes, water and air, arrangement and disposal of bedding under the work cattle, charging compost pits, manurial value of Indore compost
Chief factors in Indore process : Continuous supply of mixed vegetable wastes, composting single materials, nitrogen requirments, amount of water needed, supply of air, maintenance of general reaction, fermentation of nitrogen
Application of other areas

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