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Rahman Rita Dulci

China and India: Towards global economic supremacy? - New Delhi Academic Foundation 2006 - 249p.


Economic Growth
Economic History
China and India in Economy, current economic positions
Economic traits of China and India,
Growth theory and development policy : Neoclassical model of growth, endogenous growth theory, population, structural change, agriculture-industry relation, opportunities for growth, fundamental variables for inducing economic growth
Brief history of economy of China since 1949: Agriculture policy in Maoist and reform periods, industrial policy, service sector, demography and labour market, income distribution, domestic investment, international economic relations, macroeconomic performance in China
Brief history of the economy of Indian since 1947 : Under colonial rule, agriculture sector since Independence, industrial policy, Indian demography and employment, financial capacity of India, trade orientation of Indian since 1947
Joint economic analysis of China and India opportunities and challenges : Evaluation of current economic situation, recent economic evolution of China and India in Asian context, China, India and new direction of the international trade of goods, financing process in China and India, external net position of China and India and implications for the future, current internal obstacles and economic perspectives of China and India, Economic future
China, Indian and possible hirndrances from abroad : International political context, battle for keeping current privileged positions and its limitations, probable strategies of China and India in current commercial framework, economic impasse in west as consequence of own international policies, win-win solution positive reaction of the west, China, India- dependency to parity
Conclusion stemming from the theory of economic growth applicable to china and India, currently observed deficiencies in China and India, advantageous characteristics of china and India in world today

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