Bevir Mark;Rhodes R A W
Governance stories - New York Routledge 2006 - 206P
This book takes a Interpretative Approach to Governance Theory. It mainly focused on British Government traditions and changes it has undergone.
Political culture in Great Britain.
Great Britain in Politics and government.
SOCIAL SCIENCE in Anthropology in Cultural.
Interpretative Approach to Governance Theory
British Political Traditions
Ethnographic Analysis
Health Service in Britain
British Political History
Westminster Models
Decentring Governance
Blair Presidency
National Health Reforms
Police Reforms
306.2 / BEV/G
Governance stories - New York Routledge 2006 - 206P
This book takes a Interpretative Approach to Governance Theory. It mainly focused on British Government traditions and changes it has undergone.
Political culture in Great Britain.
Great Britain in Politics and government.
SOCIAL SCIENCE in Anthropology in Cultural.
Interpretative Approach to Governance Theory
British Political Traditions
Ethnographic Analysis
Health Service in Britain
British Political History
Westminster Models
Decentring Governance
Blair Presidency
National Health Reforms
Police Reforms
306.2 / BEV/G