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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Wolter Detlev

Common security in outer space and international law - New York United Nations 2006 - 296p.


Space weapons
Common heritage of mankind.
Space law.
Limitation of military hegemony in outer space by international law
Genesis of principle of peaceful use of outer space : outer space treaty, peaceful l use of outer space as legal arms control measures, unclear balance between interests of mankind and freedom of space of individual states
Passive military uses of outer space : Principle of peaceful use of outer space in practice, current and envisaged military space activities, weaponization of outer space, SDI, limited NMD system and second Clinton administration
Multilateral negotiations to prevent an arms race in outer space : Multilateral negotiations at UN, military uses of space and CD, Ad hoc committee of CD on PAROS1985-1994, multilateral negotiations on prevention of an arms race in outer space, strengthening peaceful cooperation in use of outer space and UNISPACE III, legal consequence of objection of international community to development of space-based weapon
Structural change of international law, common heritage of mankind principle and common heritage of mankind principle and common security in outer space
CHOM principle in outer space law and its repercussions for security in outer space, CHOM as a structural principle of outer space law, stuctural change of international law and common security in outer space , nuclear and missile defense in outer space
Multilateral agreement and an international organization for community security in outer space
Proposal for implementation of principle of peaceful use of outer space, joint development of a global missile defense, comprehensive security order to safeguard the peaceful use of outer space
Common security in outer space treaty to implement the outer space treaty in field of security : Implementation of interest of mankind in the area of security in outer space, principles of CSO treaty. main elements of CSO treaty, appropriate negotiating international fora, universality of principle of common security and US and European interests
International world space organization for safeguarding peaceful use of outer space: Current proposal for international space organization, space research agency, creation of an organization for common security in outer space

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