Sahu Nirmal Chandra;
Dimensions of environmental and ecological economics - Hyderabad Universities Press 2005 - 604p.
Environmental Hazards
Green House
Environmental and ecological economics , Environment and development, Human ecology, Environmental management and market mechanism, Policy mix for environmental protection- Transaction cost approach, Intertemporal environmental and ecological economics- mathematical modelling of growth and sustainability , game theory and environment
Unearthing ecological prices buried in conservation accounts, Non-market valuation of environmental resource, Ecological economics of oceans
Economic approach to environment : economic measures of environmental damage costs, Multiple use of environmental, natural capacity, Biodiversity and its valuation techniques , Environmental taxes, Pollution taxes for industrial water pollution control, Carbon tax: environmental economics instrument for global warming, Energy flow through ecosystem, Energy , Green house gas (GHG) emission, urban waste management, Ecological aspects of drinking water
Development-environmental interface L Environmental Kuznets curve, Operationalising sustainable development by investing in natural capital, Socio-cultural dimensions of ecological economics and sustainable rural development, Sustainable use of renewable natural resources , Management of ecological (common property) resource in developing countries, Reversing biodiversity degradation, Environmental laws sufficient for sustainable development, Environmental hazards of the sugar industry and By-production utilisation in Distilleries, Energy use and development, large dams and issues
333.7 / SAH/D
Dimensions of environmental and ecological economics - Hyderabad Universities Press 2005 - 604p.
Environmental Hazards
Green House
Environmental and ecological economics , Environment and development, Human ecology, Environmental management and market mechanism, Policy mix for environmental protection- Transaction cost approach, Intertemporal environmental and ecological economics- mathematical modelling of growth and sustainability , game theory and environment
Unearthing ecological prices buried in conservation accounts, Non-market valuation of environmental resource, Ecological economics of oceans
Economic approach to environment : economic measures of environmental damage costs, Multiple use of environmental, natural capacity, Biodiversity and its valuation techniques , Environmental taxes, Pollution taxes for industrial water pollution control, Carbon tax: environmental economics instrument for global warming, Energy flow through ecosystem, Energy , Green house gas (GHG) emission, urban waste management, Ecological aspects of drinking water
Development-environmental interface L Environmental Kuznets curve, Operationalising sustainable development by investing in natural capital, Socio-cultural dimensions of ecological economics and sustainable rural development, Sustainable use of renewable natural resources , Management of ecological (common property) resource in developing countries, Reversing biodiversity degradation, Environmental laws sufficient for sustainable development, Environmental hazards of the sugar industry and By-production utilisation in Distilleries, Energy use and development, large dams and issues
333.7 / SAH/D