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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Dixit Avinash K

Lawlessness and economics: Alternative modes of governance - New Delhi Oxford University Press 2004 - 167p


Economic policy
Corporate governance
Right of property
Corporation law
Business enterprises in Law and legislation
International cooperation
Corporate governance in Developing countries
Contracts in Developing countries
Right of property in Developing countries
Corporation law in Developing countries
Business enterprises in Law and legislation in Developing countries
Developing countries in Economic policy
Economics with or without law
Economic governance
Economics taking the law for granted
Lawlessness and economics in context
Law and economics
Economics in the shadow of the law
Other institutions of economic governance
Some basic analytical apparatus
Private ordering in the shadows of the law
Empirical research
Bargaining when the law is a backstop
Relational and formal contracts
Arbitration and information , Assessment and prospects , Mathematical appendix
Profit-motivated contract enforcement
Issues and empirical research
Information intermediaries, enforcement intermediaries
Private protection of property rights : Production and protection under anarchy, For profit private protection, predatory state and its citizens, assessment and prospects
Implications for institutions and policies and future research

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