Eden Lorraine
Governance, multinationals and growth - U K Edward Elgar Publishing Limited 2005 - 382p. - New horizons in international business .
Corporate governance
International business enterprises, International economy
Management, Corporations, Growth, Investments, Government policy, International economic relations.
Corporate governance, multinationals and growth : Continental integration and foreign ownership of canadian industry, Economic nationalism and family controlled pyramidal groups in Canada, Assessing international mergers and acquisition as a mode of foreign direct investment, Foreign ownership and the total factor productivity
Free trade, multinationals and growth : Factors price difference and multinational activity, FDI in an FTA with uncertain market access, Effects of regional trade agreements in Intra regional and inter regional FDI, Responses to trade liberalization - Changes in Product diversification in foreign and domestic controlled plants
Public governance Multinational and growth : FDI and the international policy environment , Economic issues raised by NAFTA chapter 11 investor to state dispute settlement cases having environmental implications, Location incentives and inter state competition for FDI - Bedding wars in the automotive industry, Policy round table: life as neighbour to an economic giant- issues and options
Issues on governance, multinational and growth : thoughts on method, Policy and research suggested by the Festschrift papers
337 / EDE/G
Governance, multinationals and growth - U K Edward Elgar Publishing Limited 2005 - 382p. - New horizons in international business .
Corporate governance
International business enterprises, International economy
Management, Corporations, Growth, Investments, Government policy, International economic relations.
Corporate governance, multinationals and growth : Continental integration and foreign ownership of canadian industry, Economic nationalism and family controlled pyramidal groups in Canada, Assessing international mergers and acquisition as a mode of foreign direct investment, Foreign ownership and the total factor productivity
Free trade, multinationals and growth : Factors price difference and multinational activity, FDI in an FTA with uncertain market access, Effects of regional trade agreements in Intra regional and inter regional FDI, Responses to trade liberalization - Changes in Product diversification in foreign and domestic controlled plants
Public governance Multinational and growth : FDI and the international policy environment , Economic issues raised by NAFTA chapter 11 investor to state dispute settlement cases having environmental implications, Location incentives and inter state competition for FDI - Bedding wars in the automotive industry, Policy round table: life as neighbour to an economic giant- issues and options
Issues on governance, multinational and growth : thoughts on method, Policy and research suggested by the Festschrift papers
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