Weiermair Klaus
The tourism and leisure industry: Shaping the future - New Delhi Atlantic Publishers 2004 - 357p.
Changing Enviornment
Globalization of leisure
Global Market
Health Tourism
After the anthill was stomped- customization of life and leisure : Revolution in world population and living arrangements, work, modern economic, economic of knowledge and experience, networked economies and globalization, multicivilizational politics and power, urban area, mass customization of products and services
Changes in demographics, stage of life, and leisure behaviour : Leisure future-change in demography, concern and considerations about the future of youth leisure- introduction perspective, leisure lifestyle study of generation X in New Zealand
Globalization of leisure or rediscovering slowness : Spacing and timing in leisure activities, rediscovery of slowness or leisure time as one's own and as self aggrandizement, sow tourism in Alpine regions, leisure investment- global supply and demand
(Inter) cultural leisure behaviour : Intercultural behaviour- glimpses of leisure from an Asian perspective, cultural tourism and leisure paradigm- Australian experience, comparison of leisure styles in Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain, Spain and Portugal
Changing patterns in lifestyle and implications for leisure behaviour : Hybrid consumer of leisure squeezed between fun maximization, chill out and radical search for inner values, health tourism and spas in Europe, Alpine health tourism - medical perspective, changing face of Colorado Ski industry, theme park tourist destination, sporting events, future living conditions and mobility- travel behaviour of Alpine tourist, predatory to experience tourism
Information technologies in leisure and tourism : Technology-related trends shaping the future of tourism, Italian tourism on internet, electronic travel recommendation agents and tourist choice
Assessment of tourism and leisure trends by means of online management information system
338.4791 / WEI/T
The tourism and leisure industry: Shaping the future - New Delhi Atlantic Publishers 2004 - 357p.
Changing Enviornment
Globalization of leisure
Global Market
Health Tourism
After the anthill was stomped- customization of life and leisure : Revolution in world population and living arrangements, work, modern economic, economic of knowledge and experience, networked economies and globalization, multicivilizational politics and power, urban area, mass customization of products and services
Changes in demographics, stage of life, and leisure behaviour : Leisure future-change in demography, concern and considerations about the future of youth leisure- introduction perspective, leisure lifestyle study of generation X in New Zealand
Globalization of leisure or rediscovering slowness : Spacing and timing in leisure activities, rediscovery of slowness or leisure time as one's own and as self aggrandizement, sow tourism in Alpine regions, leisure investment- global supply and demand
(Inter) cultural leisure behaviour : Intercultural behaviour- glimpses of leisure from an Asian perspective, cultural tourism and leisure paradigm- Australian experience, comparison of leisure styles in Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain, Spain and Portugal
Changing patterns in lifestyle and implications for leisure behaviour : Hybrid consumer of leisure squeezed between fun maximization, chill out and radical search for inner values, health tourism and spas in Europe, Alpine health tourism - medical perspective, changing face of Colorado Ski industry, theme park tourist destination, sporting events, future living conditions and mobility- travel behaviour of Alpine tourist, predatory to experience tourism
Information technologies in leisure and tourism : Technology-related trends shaping the future of tourism, Italian tourism on internet, electronic travel recommendation agents and tourist choice
Assessment of tourism and leisure trends by means of online management information system
338.4791 / WEI/T