Singh Amita
Administrative reforms:- Towards sustainable practices - New Delhi Sage Publications 2005 - 319p
Administrative agencies in India in Reorganization in Case studies.
Organizational change in India in Case studies.
Exploring dimensions of sustainability in administrative reforms
Urban-local governance reforms : Decentralizing experiment- case study of Kolkata municipal corporation, good practices in public sector reforms in India, local government innovations in American cities
Power and transport sector reforms : Regulation of Indian power sector, regulatory experiments in Indian power sector missing the wood for trees, battling for clean environment- technocrats and populist politics in Delhi
Social sector reforms : Administrative lessons from national literacy mission in Bihar, practices and imperfections in health sector reforms- logic, options, constraints and corrections, rehabilitation of cyclone affected people, e-governance- responsive and transparent service delivery mechanism, micro- innovations and macro changes
351.0073 / SIN/A
Administrative reforms:- Towards sustainable practices - New Delhi Sage Publications 2005 - 319p
Administrative agencies in India in Reorganization in Case studies.
Organizational change in India in Case studies.
Exploring dimensions of sustainability in administrative reforms
Urban-local governance reforms : Decentralizing experiment- case study of Kolkata municipal corporation, good practices in public sector reforms in India, local government innovations in American cities
Power and transport sector reforms : Regulation of Indian power sector, regulatory experiments in Indian power sector missing the wood for trees, battling for clean environment- technocrats and populist politics in Delhi
Social sector reforms : Administrative lessons from national literacy mission in Bihar, practices and imperfections in health sector reforms- logic, options, constraints and corrections, rehabilitation of cyclone affected people, e-governance- responsive and transparent service delivery mechanism, micro- innovations and macro changes
351.0073 / SIN/A