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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Gottdiener M;Budd Leslie

Key concepts in urabn studies - New Delhi Sage Publications 2005 - 188p


Cities and towns in Study and teaching.
Cities and towns.
Sociology, Urban.
Urban sociology and urban studies
Urban planning
Urban geography
MSAs and other census
De-territorialization and Re-territorialization
Education and reproduction of labor
Environment concerns
Fiscal crisis
Ghetto and racial segregation
Global cities
Housing and homelessness
Immigration and migration
Inequality and Poverty
Informal economy
Masculine space
Models of urban growth
Multi-centred metropolitan regions
New urbanism
Pedestrian and automobile
Planning: cities, suburbs, metropolitan regions
post-modern and modern urbanism
Slums and shanty towns
Real estate
Socio-spatial approach
Sustainable urbanization
Uneven development/ Boom and bust cycles
Urban social movements
Urban and suburb politics
Urban violence and crime
Urbanization and urbanism

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