Kapila Raj
Economic developments in India- accompanied by a CD: Analysis, reports and policy documents - New Delhi Academic Foundation 2004 - 255p
financial Stability
Capital flows and Indian policy response, redrafting agenda for agricultural development, social sector expenditure and attainments- analysis of Indian states
Indian economy- broad review of developments, capital indexed bonds, national rural electrification policies, committee on procedures and performance audit on public services, finances of large public limited comanies, revised estimates of annual national income and quarterly estimates of gross domestic product 2003-04, composition and ownership pattern of deposits with scheduled commercial banks- March 2003, guidelines for support to public private partnership in Infrastructure, monthly economic indicators June 2004
338.954 / KAP/E
Economic developments in India- accompanied by a CD: Analysis, reports and policy documents - New Delhi Academic Foundation 2004 - 255p
financial Stability
Capital flows and Indian policy response, redrafting agenda for agricultural development, social sector expenditure and attainments- analysis of Indian states
Indian economy- broad review of developments, capital indexed bonds, national rural electrification policies, committee on procedures and performance audit on public services, finances of large public limited comanies, revised estimates of annual national income and quarterly estimates of gross domestic product 2003-04, composition and ownership pattern of deposits with scheduled commercial banks- March 2003, guidelines for support to public private partnership in Infrastructure, monthly economic indicators June 2004
338.954 / KAP/E