Wilson David
Local government in the United Kingdom - New York Palgrave Macmillan 2002 - 406p
Local government in Great Britain.
Local government - Basics : Aims and approach, themes and issues in local government, non-elected local government, diversity and innovation, elected local government, development of local government- history and present developments, dual systems, serious structural reform , Thatcher years, external structure, Scotland and Wales, greater London authority- strategic local government, joint arrangements, norther Ireland- unplanned devolution, English regional government
Internal structure : Political management revolution, two hatted officers, Changing functions
Governance and partnership, private finance initiative, central-local government relations, Britain's hypercentralisation, DTLR, LGA, government offices for regions, local finance, tax bill, capital and current spending, financing capital spending, capital budget, current revenue spending, financing current spending, capping, budget setting, poll tax, marginal accountability within a command economy control system
Politics and people of local government : Local elections, councilors, five pen portraits, elected local politicians, representatives, councilor's job, financial compensation
Local government workforce, local authority employment, world of senior management, model employers to flexible employment structure
Political parties, who make policy, internal and informal politics of policy making, inter/intra departmental tensions/ divisions, local pressure groups, local policy network
From change to modernization : Management change, CCT, labor mark II, democratic renewal, new labor approach, democratic renewal, elections, community leadership and promotion of well being
352 / WIL/L
Local government in the United Kingdom - New York Palgrave Macmillan 2002 - 406p
Local government in Great Britain.
Local government - Basics : Aims and approach, themes and issues in local government, non-elected local government, diversity and innovation, elected local government, development of local government- history and present developments, dual systems, serious structural reform , Thatcher years, external structure, Scotland and Wales, greater London authority- strategic local government, joint arrangements, norther Ireland- unplanned devolution, English regional government
Internal structure : Political management revolution, two hatted officers, Changing functions
Governance and partnership, private finance initiative, central-local government relations, Britain's hypercentralisation, DTLR, LGA, government offices for regions, local finance, tax bill, capital and current spending, financing capital spending, capital budget, current revenue spending, financing current spending, capping, budget setting, poll tax, marginal accountability within a command economy control system
Politics and people of local government : Local elections, councilors, five pen portraits, elected local politicians, representatives, councilor's job, financial compensation
Local government workforce, local authority employment, world of senior management, model employers to flexible employment structure
Political parties, who make policy, internal and informal politics of policy making, inter/intra departmental tensions/ divisions, local pressure groups, local policy network
From change to modernization : Management change, CCT, labor mark II, democratic renewal, new labor approach, democratic renewal, elections, community leadership and promotion of well being
352 / WIL/L