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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Edmonds Christopher M

Reducing poverty in Asia:- Emerging issues in growth, targeting and measurement - United Kingdom Edward Elgar 2003 - 351p.


Economic history
Technological innovations
Economic aspects.
Macroeconomy, globalization, globalisation and pro-poor growth : Marginalization in a globalizing world- some plausible scenarios and suggestions for measurement, balanced development- approach to development policy and priorities, poverty analysis and measurement within a general equilibrium framework, macroeconomic polices and poverty reduction- stylized facts and overview of research
Targeting urban or industrial sectors : New technologies, competitiveness and poverty reduction, use of information technologies for poverty reduction- case study of efforts in Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, small and medium enterprise development in equitable growth and poverty alleviation
New developments and issues in poverty measurement : Poverty lines- eight countries experiences and issue of specificity and consistency, poverty comparison in Philippines, assessing poverty impact of policy and sector based lending
Country studies : Pathways of poverty reduction- rural development and transmission mechanisms in Philippines, structural adjustment, macroeconomic polices and poverty trends in Pakistan, poverty situation and policy in Sri Lanka, pacific islands- poverty issue, opening doors to more inclusive societies- case of pacific island countries

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