Maravall Jose Maria
Democarcy and the rule of law - Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2003 - 321p. - Cambridge studies in the theory of democracy. .
legal reforms
Lineages of rule of law, power, rules and compliance , obedience and obligation in Rechtsstaat, postscript to political foundations of democracy and role of law, why dopolitical parties obey results of elections
Majoritarian reading of rule of law, cost imposition through decentralized mechanisms, dictatorship and rule of law- rules and military power in Pinochet's chile
Courts as an instrument of horizontal accountability, rule of democracy and rule of law, rule of law as political weapon, rule of law and problem of legal reform in Michel de Montaigne's Essais
340.11 / MAR/D
Democarcy and the rule of law - Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2003 - 321p. - Cambridge studies in the theory of democracy. .
legal reforms
Lineages of rule of law, power, rules and compliance , obedience and obligation in Rechtsstaat, postscript to political foundations of democracy and role of law, why dopolitical parties obey results of elections
Majoritarian reading of rule of law, cost imposition through decentralized mechanisms, dictatorship and rule of law- rules and military power in Pinochet's chile
Courts as an instrument of horizontal accountability, rule of democracy and rule of law, rule of law as political weapon, rule of law and problem of legal reform in Michel de Montaigne's Essais
340.11 / MAR/D