Pile Steve
Real cities:- Modernity, space and the phantasmagorias of city life - New Delhi Sage Publications 2005 - 216p
City and town life -- Psychological aspects.
Psychoanalysis and human geography.
Personal space.
Phantasmagorias of city life
Phychogeography of London
City space and web of dreams
New York
Syncretic cities
Corporations and voodoo economics
Voodoo Atlantic
Singapore and the fine art of placement
Vampiric city
Ghostly city
Modern city life
Occult spatialities and city life
307.76 / PIL/R
Real cities:- Modernity, space and the phantasmagorias of city life - New Delhi Sage Publications 2005 - 216p
City and town life -- Psychological aspects.
Psychoanalysis and human geography.
Personal space.
Phantasmagorias of city life
Phychogeography of London
City space and web of dreams
New York
Syncretic cities
Corporations and voodoo economics
Voodoo Atlantic
Singapore and the fine art of placement
Vampiric city
Ghostly city
Modern city life
Occult spatialities and city life
307.76 / PIL/R