• KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Dhameja Alka

Contemporary debates in public administration - Ed - New Delhi Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited 2003 - 379p.


Public Administration
Right to information
Understanding administrative theory, public policy discourse- inter- subjective and symbolic dimensions of administration, understanding dimensions of uncertainty in public administration, public choice theory- government in new right perspective, consent, constitutions and contracts- public choice perspective on states, some reflections on changing complexion of state, changing trends in public administration
Reconstruction of modern public sector, marketing public administration, good governance, decentralization, women, society and state- women empowerment and state, law enforcement agencies and human rights, principles and practices of corporate governance, ethics of e-governance on public administration
Failure of organizational reforms- tragic story of Indian administration, values and institutions for honest and people oriented administration, from legal rational moral -legal rational bureaucracy, right to information, procurement of paradigm shift in bureaucracy- clint interface, emergency of civil society organizations- globalization, creating alternative institutional arrangements - role of user group , self initiatives

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