Swianiewicz Pawel
Local government borrowing: Risks and rewards. (A report on Central and Eastern Europe) - Hungary Open Society Institute 2004 - 434p. - LGI books. .
Public Debts
Local finance
Theory of local borrowing and west- European experience
Country studies : Regulation and development of subsovereign debt market in Poland, local government borrowing in Hungary, local government borrowing in deregulated market of Czech republic, local borrowing in Slovakia- from deregulation to regulation and stabilization , local government borrowing- regulations and practices in Estonia
Bond issues and bank loans- new mechanisms to support local development in Romania, local government borrowing in Russia- difficult paths of economic transformation , comparing international experiences- emerging markets of Local borrowing
352 / SWI/L
Local government borrowing: Risks and rewards. (A report on Central and Eastern Europe) - Hungary Open Society Institute 2004 - 434p. - LGI books. .
Public Debts
Local finance
Theory of local borrowing and west- European experience
Country studies : Regulation and development of subsovereign debt market in Poland, local government borrowing in Hungary, local government borrowing in deregulated market of Czech republic, local borrowing in Slovakia- from deregulation to regulation and stabilization , local government borrowing- regulations and practices in Estonia
Bond issues and bank loans- new mechanisms to support local development in Romania, local government borrowing in Russia- difficult paths of economic transformation , comparing international experiences- emerging markets of Local borrowing
352 / SWI/L