Gaikwad V R
State of the Indian Farmer- A millennium study:- Post-Harvest Management - New Delhi Academic Foundation 2004 - 224p
Farm produce in Postharvest technology in India.
Farm produce in India.
Zonal economy and its implications for post-harvest management
Post harvest management practices in India- structural policy and technological imperatives : Value added possibly through contract farming, collective efforts for mutual gain, food processing equipment manufacturing business- opportunities, technologies and equipment supply
Agro- processing and storage- traditional and modern methods : Traditional food sector, production by masses and modernisation, present status of food processing in India, storage of foodgrains
Quality standards and their regulations in foods : parameters for quality of food, hazard analysis and critical comtrol point (HACCP), quality standards for different food commodities and processed products
Dynamics of post-harvest losses : Post harvest farmers losses, modernisation
Sources of capital for agro-processing : Financing processing projects, institutions offering financing, rationalising taxes and duties, agri-business
Sources of technology development for agro-processing, technologies and storage
Gaps in information and data : post harvest losses, farm-industry linkages, market related, quality standards, technology research
Concept of post-harvest management and value addition
338.1 / GAI/S
State of the Indian Farmer- A millennium study:- Post-Harvest Management - New Delhi Academic Foundation 2004 - 224p
Farm produce in Postharvest technology in India.
Farm produce in India.
Zonal economy and its implications for post-harvest management
Post harvest management practices in India- structural policy and technological imperatives : Value added possibly through contract farming, collective efforts for mutual gain, food processing equipment manufacturing business- opportunities, technologies and equipment supply
Agro- processing and storage- traditional and modern methods : Traditional food sector, production by masses and modernisation, present status of food processing in India, storage of foodgrains
Quality standards and their regulations in foods : parameters for quality of food, hazard analysis and critical comtrol point (HACCP), quality standards for different food commodities and processed products
Dynamics of post-harvest losses : Post harvest farmers losses, modernisation
Sources of capital for agro-processing : Financing processing projects, institutions offering financing, rationalising taxes and duties, agri-business
Sources of technology development for agro-processing, technologies and storage
Gaps in information and data : post harvest losses, farm-industry linkages, market related, quality standards, technology research
Concept of post-harvest management and value addition
338.1 / GAI/S