Villareal Mildred;Mehta Dinesh;Hamid Naved
Asian cities in the 21st century:- Contemporary approaches to municipal management - Philippines Asian Development Bank 2000 - 208p
Cities and towns in Asia ,Congresses.
Municipal government in Asia,Congresses.
Changing Institutional Culture of Asian Municipalities : Colombo
Public privet sector partnerships for municipal development : Sustainability
Sustainable penang
Local community development
Mandaluying city experience
Residents participation in improving service delivery
Urban environmental management
Coordinating local governments in mega cities
Cities and development agencies working together to fund infrastructure development
World bank, Asian developmental bank, CEBU city, Philippines, Ahmedabad , India
Serving citizens: improving delivery of municipal services
Benchmarking project
Citizen charter and redressing public complaints in India
Good practice on resolution of complaints and public grievance
Solid waste management
Meeting challenges in the next millennium
307.76 / HAM/P
Asian cities in the 21st century:- Contemporary approaches to municipal management - Philippines Asian Development Bank 2000 - 208p
Cities and towns in Asia ,Congresses.
Municipal government in Asia,Congresses.
Changing Institutional Culture of Asian Municipalities : Colombo
Public privet sector partnerships for municipal development : Sustainability
Sustainable penang
Local community development
Mandaluying city experience
Residents participation in improving service delivery
Urban environmental management
Coordinating local governments in mega cities
Cities and development agencies working together to fund infrastructure development
World bank, Asian developmental bank, CEBU city, Philippines, Ahmedabad , India
Serving citizens: improving delivery of municipal services
Benchmarking project
Citizen charter and redressing public complaints in India
Good practice on resolution of complaints and public grievance
Solid waste management
Meeting challenges in the next millennium
307.76 / HAM/P