Montesinos Vicente
Innovations in Governmental accounting - London Kluwer Academic Publications 2002 - 352p
Finance, Public - Accounting.
Collectieve sector.
Governmental accounting research methodology : Research in comparative governmental accounting over the last decade, comparative international government accounting research (CIGAR) methodology, impact of culture on governmental accounting innovations in developing countries, on a basis for international comparisons of governmental accounting systems- models of an economic entity
International accounting standards : Public sector committee (PSC)- standards project, European experience of and attitudes to development of international accounting standards, IPSAS approach- useful tool for accounting reform in Europe
International comparative analysis : Convergence in Economic environment and accounting harmonization- case of European local governments, governmental accounting reform cases of Portugal and Spain, government or governance- Japan's new balance sheet in international perspective
National innovative experiences in government accounting : New UK government financial framework, current state and latest developments of governmental accounting in Sweden, main developments of governmental accounting reform in Spain, accounting reform of central government in France, innovations in governmental accounting systems- concept of a mega general ledger in Belgian provinces
Government financial reporting : Reporting government obligation, presentation of governmental financial information on internet- international view, disclosure of financial information in local governments- state of the art and future directions
Accounting for preference evaluation : Exploring the balancing concept in design of a performance measurement system for waste water treatment in Netherlands, towards a contingency theory for hospital cost accounting systems- comparison of UK and New Zealand, program, funding and accounting innovations in Norwegian university colleges, International comparison of school performance reporting
657.835 / MON/I
Innovations in Governmental accounting - London Kluwer Academic Publications 2002 - 352p
Finance, Public - Accounting.
Collectieve sector.
Governmental accounting research methodology : Research in comparative governmental accounting over the last decade, comparative international government accounting research (CIGAR) methodology, impact of culture on governmental accounting innovations in developing countries, on a basis for international comparisons of governmental accounting systems- models of an economic entity
International accounting standards : Public sector committee (PSC)- standards project, European experience of and attitudes to development of international accounting standards, IPSAS approach- useful tool for accounting reform in Europe
International comparative analysis : Convergence in Economic environment and accounting harmonization- case of European local governments, governmental accounting reform cases of Portugal and Spain, government or governance- Japan's new balance sheet in international perspective
National innovative experiences in government accounting : New UK government financial framework, current state and latest developments of governmental accounting in Sweden, main developments of governmental accounting reform in Spain, accounting reform of central government in France, innovations in governmental accounting systems- concept of a mega general ledger in Belgian provinces
Government financial reporting : Reporting government obligation, presentation of governmental financial information on internet- international view, disclosure of financial information in local governments- state of the art and future directions
Accounting for preference evaluation : Exploring the balancing concept in design of a performance measurement system for waste water treatment in Netherlands, towards a contingency theory for hospital cost accounting systems- comparison of UK and New Zealand, program, funding and accounting innovations in Norwegian university colleges, International comparison of school performance reporting
657.835 / MON/I