The Kerala education act and rules
- Kerala Government of Kerala 1973
- XV, 307p.
Local educational authories
Kerala Aided school
Kerala education act/rules, classification, private schools, estabilishment and maintenance of schools, admission, transfer and removal of pupils, properties of aided schools, fees in schools, education advisory boards, election of members to local educational authorities, recruitment of teachers to aided schools, non teaching staff of aided schools, pay scales of aided school teachers , pension and other benefits for aided school teachers, Kerala aided schools employees provident fund rules
344.07 / KER/K
Local educational authories
Kerala Aided school
Kerala education act/rules, classification, private schools, estabilishment and maintenance of schools, admission, transfer and removal of pupils, properties of aided schools, fees in schools, education advisory boards, election of members to local educational authorities, recruitment of teachers to aided schools, non teaching staff of aided schools, pay scales of aided school teachers , pension and other benefits for aided school teachers, Kerala aided schools employees provident fund rules
344.07 / KER/K