Virmani Arvind
Accelerating growth and poverty reduction:- A policy framework for India's development - New Delhi Academic Foundation 2004 - 327p
India in Economic conditions in 1991-
India in Economic policy in 21st century.
Economic history.
Growth, poverty and employment : Integrated policy framework for next decade, new development paradigm- employment, entitlement and empowerment, policies for employment generating growth
Agriculture and industry : Reforms of agriculture and agro processing polices, policy for investment revival - industrial and investment slowdown
Fiscal, financial and external : Agenda for reform- fiscal, approaches to financial reform, central value added tax- CENVAT, exchange rate management, capital account convertibility- looking back and ahead- lessons from Asian crisis, policy measures for meeting capital inflow surge
Special policies : Communications policy for the 21st century- information communication revolution, Telecom 20- increasing tele density and internet access, FDI policy for media, policy framework for power, urban infrastructure, real estate and housing policy- eliminating slums and generating employment, railway reforms
338.954 / VIR/A
Accelerating growth and poverty reduction:- A policy framework for India's development - New Delhi Academic Foundation 2004 - 327p
India in Economic conditions in 1991-
India in Economic policy in 21st century.
Economic history.
Growth, poverty and employment : Integrated policy framework for next decade, new development paradigm- employment, entitlement and empowerment, policies for employment generating growth
Agriculture and industry : Reforms of agriculture and agro processing polices, policy for investment revival - industrial and investment slowdown
Fiscal, financial and external : Agenda for reform- fiscal, approaches to financial reform, central value added tax- CENVAT, exchange rate management, capital account convertibility- looking back and ahead- lessons from Asian crisis, policy measures for meeting capital inflow surge
Special policies : Communications policy for the 21st century- information communication revolution, Telecom 20- increasing tele density and internet access, FDI policy for media, policy framework for power, urban infrastructure, real estate and housing policy- eliminating slums and generating employment, railway reforms
338.954 / VIR/A