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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Walesh Stuart G

Urban surface water management - New York John Wiley & Sons 1989 - 518p.


Urban hydrology
Urban regions
Drainage systems
Fundamentals of urban surface water management : Objectives of urban surface water management, flooding, traditional flood plain management and stormwater management are related, history of urban drainage, history of floodplain management, components of urban surface water system, approaches to control of quality of urban runoff, emergency and convenience systems, role o natural features in surface water management, role of natural features in surface water management, channel erosion and sedimentation in urbanizing area, floodplain regulations, flood insurance studies, surface water management in geologically unique area
Hydrologic cycle in urban environment : Hydrologic cycle, impact of urbanization on quantity/ quality of runoff, sequential nature of erosion/sedimentation and flooding problems
Techniques for hydrologic analyses : Hydrologic data types, sources and uses, watershed delineation, hydrologic techniques, statistical analysis for determining peak discharge and volume, regional methods for determining peak discharge, rainfall- runoff methods, rational method for determining peak discharge, modified rational method for determining discharge and volume, soil conservation service TR55 method for determining discharge and volume, British road research laboratory method, other hydrologic methods
Floodplain hydraulics : Floodplain map and flood stage and streambed profiles, fundamentals of open channel hydraulics, acquisition of channel floodplain geometry and roughness data, sensitivity studies, floodway determination
Stormwater facility hydraulics : Hydraulic analysis and design guidelines, force exerted on a person by moving flood water, hydraulic design of a culvert, determining culvert flow for given headwater and tailwater conditions, flow capacity of an urban street, storage capacity of an urban street, development of stage discharge relationship for detention / retention outlet control structure
Computation of average annual monetary flood damage : Types of flood losses, uses of average annual monetary damage, calculation procedure, determining the average annual monetary benefit of alternative flood damage mitigation management measures
Nonpoint-source pollution load techniques : Unit load method, preliminary screening procedure, universal soil loss equation, concentration times flow method, constituent rating curve flow duration curve method, nonprofit source pollution lead techniques
Planning and designing detention/ retention facilities : Planning and design procedures, analysis watershed data
Sedimentation basin design : Components of a sedimentation basin, step by step design procedure
Computer modeling : System and modeling concepts, nature o watershed digital computer models, model selection guideline, introduction to selected computer models, use of two or more computer models, calibration- key to credibility in modeling, applications of computer models, costs and benefits of computer modeling, modeling- maintaining perspectives
Management measures : Definition of structural and non structural management measures
Preparation of a master plan : Definition of and need for master planning, fluctuating interest in master planning, master planning principles, step by step planning process, economic of master planning

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