Kunst S;Kruse T;Burmester A
Sustainable water and soil management - New York Springer 2002 - 393p.
Waste water Treatment
Rain water treatment
Gender sensitive, participatory approach of water and soil management
International women's university framework for the project area water : Higher education, International women's university and intercultural science , Junior women scientists
ifu- an Intercultural innovation in higher education : socio-political context, Feminist agenda, Interculturality of knowledge production
Project area water : feminist perspective at the action plan
Aspects of water and soil management
Rural development with special emphasis on women water and environment : Feminisation of water management, Rural women, International approach to rural development within ifu, women and rural development
Water treatment and rainwater harvesting : Water disinfection methods, Rainwater harvesting, Rainwater harvesting project plan development by the women junior scientists- Household consumption, Secondary school,Vegetable garden
Wastewater Treatment : Mechanical wastewater treatment, Biological wastewater treatment , Models for the design and simulation of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), Evaluation of centralised wastewater treatment
Decentralised wastewater treatment -wastewater treatment in rural areas : Natural-based wastewater and sludge treatment methods as components of sustainable concepts in rural regions
Alternative technologies for sanitation, recycling and reuse : Composting process, Types of Toilets, Composting toilet system, SIRDO
River development planning : River protection for the balance of nature, Hydraulic and river protection, Stahlbach river development plan
Water and soil towards inestimable land use : Soil and water, Project water and soil, River Elbe ecology projects
Evaluation there is no magnanimous judgement on ifu : Bridging the gap between mutually unfamiliar disciplines and socio-technical innovation, Evaluation of curriculum from the perspective of the junior scientists
Future perspective for sustainable water and soil management : internationality and intercultural work, Gender perspective, Women's international network for sustainability - Post ify initiative promoting equitable and ecologically sound alternatives to mainstream development
Manual for analysis of soils and related materials : Soil exploration and soil sampling, Determination of pH and organic matter, Salinity of soil (electricity conductivity,EC), Cress test (germinability of Lepidium sativum) Determination of total amount of micro-organisms in solids, Soil respiration, biological oxygen demand (BOD), Carbon content, Determination of nitrogen (Kjeldahl procedure), C/N and C/P ratio, Determination of carbonate, Determination of plant-available phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, Determination of N-min, Soil pH, Nitrohydrochorlic acid disintegration, Sewage sludge regulations, Soil moisture retention capacity pF value, Soil texture, Grain fraction and texture types
Influencing BOD and N removal assessment of import parameters : Batch tests as a method for classifying nitrification and denitrification activities in activated sludge, Nitrification, Respirometry- Determination of the oxygen uptake rate (OUR), Determination of the respiration rate of activated sludge by measuring the O2 utilisation rate, evaluation of the recorded data, Dependence of oxygen consumption on toxic or inhibiting substance in water
333.91 / KUN/S
Sustainable water and soil management - New York Springer 2002 - 393p.
Waste water Treatment
Rain water treatment
Gender sensitive, participatory approach of water and soil management
International women's university framework for the project area water : Higher education, International women's university and intercultural science , Junior women scientists
ifu- an Intercultural innovation in higher education : socio-political context, Feminist agenda, Interculturality of knowledge production
Project area water : feminist perspective at the action plan
Aspects of water and soil management
Rural development with special emphasis on women water and environment : Feminisation of water management, Rural women, International approach to rural development within ifu, women and rural development
Water treatment and rainwater harvesting : Water disinfection methods, Rainwater harvesting, Rainwater harvesting project plan development by the women junior scientists- Household consumption, Secondary school,Vegetable garden
Wastewater Treatment : Mechanical wastewater treatment, Biological wastewater treatment , Models for the design and simulation of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), Evaluation of centralised wastewater treatment
Decentralised wastewater treatment -wastewater treatment in rural areas : Natural-based wastewater and sludge treatment methods as components of sustainable concepts in rural regions
Alternative technologies for sanitation, recycling and reuse : Composting process, Types of Toilets, Composting toilet system, SIRDO
River development planning : River protection for the balance of nature, Hydraulic and river protection, Stahlbach river development plan
Water and soil towards inestimable land use : Soil and water, Project water and soil, River Elbe ecology projects
Evaluation there is no magnanimous judgement on ifu : Bridging the gap between mutually unfamiliar disciplines and socio-technical innovation, Evaluation of curriculum from the perspective of the junior scientists
Future perspective for sustainable water and soil management : internationality and intercultural work, Gender perspective, Women's international network for sustainability - Post ify initiative promoting equitable and ecologically sound alternatives to mainstream development
Manual for analysis of soils and related materials : Soil exploration and soil sampling, Determination of pH and organic matter, Salinity of soil (electricity conductivity,EC), Cress test (germinability of Lepidium sativum) Determination of total amount of micro-organisms in solids, Soil respiration, biological oxygen demand (BOD), Carbon content, Determination of nitrogen (Kjeldahl procedure), C/N and C/P ratio, Determination of carbonate, Determination of plant-available phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, Determination of N-min, Soil pH, Nitrohydrochorlic acid disintegration, Sewage sludge regulations, Soil moisture retention capacity pF value, Soil texture, Grain fraction and texture types
Influencing BOD and N removal assessment of import parameters : Batch tests as a method for classifying nitrification and denitrification activities in activated sludge, Nitrification, Respirometry- Determination of the oxygen uptake rate (OUR), Determination of the respiration rate of activated sludge by measuring the O2 utilisation rate, evaluation of the recorded data, Dependence of oxygen consumption on toxic or inhibiting substance in water
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