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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Kapila Raj

Economic Development in India- accompanied by a CD: Analysis, reports and policy documents - New Delhi Academic Foundation 2003 - 320p. - Academic Foundation's Continuing Series no.69 .


Public administration
Trade policy
Global economy and financial markets, public administration and development in a globalized world- challenges, opportunities and options, trade policy, Indian economic scenario yesterday - today and tomorrow, government deficit and inflation in India
Mid term review of monetary and credit policy of the year 2003-04, Indian telecommunication industry performance indicators 2002-03, taskforce on micro irrigation, finances of large public limited companies 2001-02, performance of financial and investment companies 2001-02, invisibles in India's balance of payments- 2000-01 and 2001-02, index of industrial production for month of August 2003, draft policy for development of gas pipelines network, monthly economic indicator September 2003

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