Sforzi Fabio
The institutions of local development - England Ashgate Publishing Limited 2003 - 195p.
Industrial promotion
Economic development projects
Place - specificity of competitiveness : Local embeddedness and international competitiveness - case of Swedish music cluster, ethnic entrepreneurship in Israeli Arab economy, high- technology clustering in UK
Trust shaping collective action : Relations of co-operation in group enterprises and associations in Ghana, social capital and development- issues of institutional design and trust in Mexican group-based micro finance, constructing alternative circuits of value- case of local currency systems (LCSs)
Social capital in pathways of local development : Social capital in development of agro nocerino- sarnese, emerging of different patterns of local development in third Italy
338.9 / SFO/I
The institutions of local development - England Ashgate Publishing Limited 2003 - 195p.
Industrial promotion
Economic development projects
Place - specificity of competitiveness : Local embeddedness and international competitiveness - case of Swedish music cluster, ethnic entrepreneurship in Israeli Arab economy, high- technology clustering in UK
Trust shaping collective action : Relations of co-operation in group enterprises and associations in Ghana, social capital and development- issues of institutional design and trust in Mexican group-based micro finance, constructing alternative circuits of value- case of local currency systems (LCSs)
Social capital in pathways of local development : Social capital in development of agro nocerino- sarnese, emerging of different patterns of local development in third Italy
338.9 / SFO/I