Raghunath H M
Ground water: Hydrology, gruond water survey and pumping, tests, rural water supply and irrigation systems. - 2nd Ed. - New Delhi New age international (p) limited 1982 - 563p.
Ground water
Hydrometeorology, hydrogeology and acrial photography, aquifer properties and ground water flow, well hydraulics, ground water analog models, sea water intruction, ground water geophysics, geochemical survey and water quality, water well design, water well drilling, water well construction, yield test and selection of pumpset, ground water pollution and legislation, ground water recharge, ground water basin management and conjunctive use, irrigation systems
551.79 / RAG/G
Ground water: Hydrology, gruond water survey and pumping, tests, rural water supply and irrigation systems. - 2nd Ed. - New Delhi New age international (p) limited 1982 - 563p.
Ground water
Hydrometeorology, hydrogeology and acrial photography, aquifer properties and ground water flow, well hydraulics, ground water analog models, sea water intruction, ground water geophysics, geochemical survey and water quality, water well design, water well drilling, water well construction, yield test and selection of pumpset, ground water pollution and legislation, ground water recharge, ground water basin management and conjunctive use, irrigation systems
551.79 / RAG/G