Mishra S N
Public governance and decentralization (Essays in Honor of T.N.Chaturvedi) - New Delhi Mittal Publications 2003 - 562p.
Decentralization in government
Public administration
Human Rights
privatization, globalisation
Biographical sketch - T.N Chaturvedi
Public governance and decentralization, challenge of cultural diversity for good governance, civil society, administrative culture and public governance in India, corruption hindering good governance, challenging corruption in Indian public service, public service reforms in developing countries- strategy for good governance, administrative reforms- sheer weight or a warrant
Culture ethics and administration, civil service and civil society in age of liberalization, enforcing a code of ethics for public administrators, new public management- an appraisal, globalization and emergent geo-economic divide in federal India, coalition governments, constitutional reforms and governmental stability, fraternal system of federal governance- delineation of basic elements, towards evolving indigenous parameters of human rights for Indian women, rural violence in Bihar- political explanation, tribal development administration- a review, realizing human rights through efficient governance for human development - agenda of twenty first century, good governance- police and human rights, human rights and informal sectors- study of women construction workers of Delhi, public private sector interface for urban development- lessons from united states of America
Privatization in federal systems- electricity sector in Australia and India, impact of globalization, liberalization and privatization polices on governance- Indian experience, globalization and development - an Indian scenario, lags and snags of development in India, privatization in India- problems and prospects, decade of banking sector reforms, highest stage of capitalism- imperialism or globalization, globalization and employment - process of reforms in India, disinvestment policy of government of India- some issues of concern to policy makers, who rule the world
352.007 / MIS/P
Public governance and decentralization (Essays in Honor of T.N.Chaturvedi) - New Delhi Mittal Publications 2003 - 562p.
Decentralization in government
Public administration
Human Rights
privatization, globalisation
Biographical sketch - T.N Chaturvedi
Public governance and decentralization, challenge of cultural diversity for good governance, civil society, administrative culture and public governance in India, corruption hindering good governance, challenging corruption in Indian public service, public service reforms in developing countries- strategy for good governance, administrative reforms- sheer weight or a warrant
Culture ethics and administration, civil service and civil society in age of liberalization, enforcing a code of ethics for public administrators, new public management- an appraisal, globalization and emergent geo-economic divide in federal India, coalition governments, constitutional reforms and governmental stability, fraternal system of federal governance- delineation of basic elements, towards evolving indigenous parameters of human rights for Indian women, rural violence in Bihar- political explanation, tribal development administration- a review, realizing human rights through efficient governance for human development - agenda of twenty first century, good governance- police and human rights, human rights and informal sectors- study of women construction workers of Delhi, public private sector interface for urban development- lessons from united states of America
Privatization in federal systems- electricity sector in Australia and India, impact of globalization, liberalization and privatization polices on governance- Indian experience, globalization and development - an Indian scenario, lags and snags of development in India, privatization in India- problems and prospects, decade of banking sector reforms, highest stage of capitalism- imperialism or globalization, globalization and employment - process of reforms in India, disinvestment policy of government of India- some issues of concern to policy makers, who rule the world
352.007 / MIS/P